Case Studies

Case Studies

How our clients are transforming their Talent Acquisition function through better Workforce Planning

“Single-handedly the best investment I've made”

Although a fairly new customer, joining us in Q2 of 2023, DHU Healthcare have a made an extraordinary impact on their Talent Acquisition function and process flow within months.
Click here to read the full case study, written by DHU's Head of TA, Chris Rowe.

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“Game-changing innovation at its best”

Carrier's hiring model was far too reactive - our analysis demonstrated that hiring managers were giving Talent Acquisition an average of 2-3 days notice on their requisitions. We were able to facilitate an easier way for hiring managers to engage, resulting in a huge increase to an average of 79 days extra lead time on recruiting.
Click here to read the full case study, written by Carrier's EMEA & APAC TA Director, Dan Fitzpatrick.


“If we want to be a successful, high performing organisation, then it starts with Foresight”

Having found their Local Government Authority's approach to workforce planning resource-heavy and unsustainable, Havering Council called in Foresight to implement our simple framework. In their first year they've not only saved time, money, and effort providing a more efficient HR service, but are now seeing behavioural change from hiring managers, who are thinking ahead about the future of their teams.
Click here to read the full case study, written by Havering's Talent Manager, Dan DeBuc.

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Capita engaged Foresight as they had no workforce demand planning process in place, putting the Talent and HR functions under critical strain. They also had high volumes of open vacancies and no line of sight of what further volumes were coming in the next 3-18 months. This created a highly reactive state and manifested a critical risk to the business of not being able to fulfill customer demand or deliver on business-critical projects. Further to this they had retention concerns and no knowledge of where their flight risk populations were.
Following a discovery and business readiness process, in just 3 weeks the Foresight team harvested all known recruitment demand and flight risk profiles from an employee base of 60,000. This demand was then checked and prioritised, with a plan created and communicated back to the functional leadership. The recruiting demand plans and flight risk profiles were operationalised with the HR / Talent functions, resulting in a saving in excess of £1.3 million within 12 months, and the additional benefit of reducing recruitment volume hitting the operational TA team.


Stockport, East Lancashire, and Blackpool Trusts were keen to understand the Learning and Development needs of their employee base to better utilise their L&D budget and deliver the correct training programmes, to ultimately retain and up-skill their workforce and deliver better patient outcomes.
After a process of discovery and redesign, Foresight digitised the current learning needs analysis process to understand at both manager and employee levels the training and capability needs across the Trust.
Additionally, the Foresight team designed and implemented a digital wellbeing process to improve the health and wellbeing of the workforce. The ROI for this programme of work was in excess of £1 million within 12 months.

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The PepsiCo commercial function were hiring very reactively. The sales leadership had calculated that for every week a vacancy remained empty, it cost £2000 in lost revenue.
They engaged Foresight to help flip the model to proactive recruiting. The recruitment delivery team used the demand plan that Foresight created to not only fill ALL of the existing needs, and drive down vacancies to zero, but also to create focused future pipelines for roles that were highlighted as critical. Meaning when new roles became available, they had pre-assessed 'hot' candidates waiting in for offers.
This resulted in huge revenue improvements for the function and significantly increased the credibility of the Talent Acquisition function.


Vodafone had a strategic, objective need to improve their gender hiring targets. They weren’t hiring enough female talent, and were losing too many female employees at the same time.
Foresight worked across the business to create a detailed demand plan that armed the recruitment delivery team with knowledge of recruiting needs for the next 3 years. With this granular detailed plan, the recruitment delivery team had far longer lead times on vacancies, meaning that hiring managers weren’t always needing talent ‘tomorrow’.
With this extra lead time, the team could create more diverse and inclusive campaigns, resulting in more diverse shortlists, resulting in more diverse hires, specifically female hiring.
Additionally, Foresight sought information about flight risks across the business - giving the Vodafone HR function a focus on who was a flight risk and why. They implemented a variety of initiatives that improved the retention of key individuals with great success. Ultimately, Vodafone had the business insights needed to achieve their stretching gender hiring targets ahead of time.

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Jacobs engaged Foresight to help formulate and digitise a redeployment program. Being a construction consultancy, they often found themselves hiring large volumes of workers, only to let them go at the end of a project. Another project would then arise, and they would be starting from scratch, often re-hiring some of the same talent!
Foresight worked across the business to understand what talent was coming to the end of a project and then provided the capability to be able to seamlessly redeploy this talent onto other projects; saving huge amounts of time and money. Resulting in improved retention of knowledge and fulfillment of customer projects on time.


McKesson had a critical skill shortage of Pharmacists across the UK. They were fighting competitors for a very limited pool of talent. They engaged with Foresight to understand what capability they had internally to up-skill, retrain and redeploy talent, alongside wanting to embed a more robust planning process.
Foresight ascertained the skills, level, ambitions and relocation potential of their employee base, creating a talent 'inventory' to use to fill critical gaps within their organisation, thus giving them a competitive edge against their competitors in fulfilling their talent demands.

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